Strategy deployment, it is known in Japanese, Hoshin Kanri, is the process by which an organization identifies the most important goals and initiatives and then deploys them through an iterative process of cascading through the organization. This ensures that all team members are working on the right tasks in order to achieve the company’s vision and goals.
Strategy Deployment involves:
- Assessing the current situation
- Holding strategy sessions with senior management to identify areas of focus, key goals, and initiative
- Coaching senior management through the A3 process by which they identify obstacles and action Plans to achieve their goals
- Facilitating sessions with next levels of management to identify their goals and metrics in accordance with the high-level plans
- Coaching managers through the A3 process and developing metrics for their areas of responsibility
- Developing daily management systems with metrics and targets
- Instituting front-line problem solving in accordance with the daily management system
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